All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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11 books by Octavia Butler

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by Octavia Butler
Fledgling, Octavia Butler's new novel after a seven year break, is the story of an apparently young, amnesiac girl whose alarmingly inhuman needs and abilities lead her to a startling conclusion: She is in fact a genetically modified, 53-year-old vampire. Forced to discover what she can about her stolen former life, she must at the same time learn who wanted--and still wants--to destroy her and those she cares for and how she can save herself. Fledgling is a captivating novel that tests the limits of "otherness" and questions what it means to be truly human.
Bi black vampire girl
race, class, bisexual, Black, African 2005 Adult

by Octavia Butler
Dana, a modern black woman, is celebrating her twenty-sixth birthday with her new husband when she is snatched abruptly from her home in California and transported to the antebellum South. Rufus, the white son of a plantation owner, is drowning, and Dana has been summoned to save him. Dana is drawn back repeatedly through time to the slave quarters, and each time the stay grows longer, more arduous, and more dangerous until it is uncertain whether or not Dana's life will end, long before it has a chance to begin.
black woman time travelling, focus on slavery
race, class, Black 1979 Adult

by Octavia Butler

Series: Xenogenesis
Book 1 of 3
Lilith lyapo awoke from a centuries-long sleep to find herself aboard the vast spaceship of the Oankali. Creatures covered in writhing tentacles, the Oankali had saved every surviving human from a dying, ruined Earth. They healed the planet, cured cancer, increased strength, and were now ready to help Lilith lead her people back to Earth--but for a price.
Black sci fi
race, poly, nonbinary, queered culture, genderqueer, Black, African 1997 Adult

Adulthood Rites
by Octavia Butler

Series: Xenogenesis
Book 2 of 3
In this sequel to Dawn, Lilith Iyapo has given birth to what looks like a normal human boy named Akin. But Akin actually has five parents: a male and female human, a male and female Oankali, and a sexless Ooloi. The Oankali and Ooloi are part of an alien race that rescued humanity from a devastating nuclear war, but the price they exact is a high one the aliens are compelled to genetically merge their species with other races, drastically altering both in the process. On a rehabilitated Earth, this "new" race is emerging through human/Oankali/Ooloi mating, but there are also "pure" humans who choose to resist the aliens and the salvation they offer.These resisters are sterilized by the Ooloi so that they cannot reproduce the genetic defect that drives humanity to destroy itself, but otherwise they are left alone (unless they become violent). When the resisters kidnap young Akin, the Oankali choose to leave the child with his captors, for he the most "human" of the Oankali children will decide whether the resisters should be given back their fertility and freedom, even though they will only destroy themselves again.
aliens with other genders and their relations with humans
alien, poly, genderqueer, nonbinary, race, queered culture, Black, African 1997 Adult

by Octavia Butler

Series: Xenogenesis
Book 3 of 3
The futures of both humans and Oankali rest in one young being's successful metamorphosis into adulthood.
aliens with other genders interacting with humans
genderqueer, poly, nonbinary, race, alien, queered culture, Black, African 1997 Adult

Parable of the Sower
by Octavia Butler

Series: Earthseed
Book 1 of 2
When unattended environmental and economic crises lead to social chaos, not even gated communities are safe. In a night of fire and death Lauren Olamina, a minister's young daughter, loses her family and home and ventures out into the unprotected American landscape. But what begins as a flight for survival soon leads to something much more: a startling vision of human destiny... and the birth of a new faith.
African-American science fiction
race, class, Black, African 1993 Adult

Parable of the Talents
by Octavia Butler

Series: Earthseed
Book 2 of 2
This Nebula Award-winning sequel to "Parable of the Sower" continues the story of Lauren Olamina in socially and economically depressed California in the 2030s. Convinced that her community should colonize the stars, Lauren and her followers make preparations. But the collapse of society and rise of fanatics result in Lauren's followers being enslaved, and her daughter stolen from her. Now, Lauren must fight back to save the new world order.
African-American science fiction
race, class, Black, African 1998 Adult

Wild Seed
by Octavia Butler

Series: Patternmaster
Book 1 of 4
Doro is an entity who changes bodies like clothes, killing his hosts by reflex or design. He fears no one until he meets Anyanwu. Anyanwu is a shapeshifter who can absorb bullets and heal with a kiss and savage anyone who threatens her. She fears no one until she meets Doro. Together they weave a pattern of destiny (from Africa to the New World) unimaginable to mortals.
African characters
race, class, Black, African 1980 Adult

Mind of My Mind
by Octavia Butler

Series: Patternmaster
Book 2 of 4
For 4,000 years, an immortal has spread the seeds of a master race, using the downtrodden as his private breeding stock. But now a young ghetto telepath has found a way to awaken--and rule--her superhuman kind, igniting a psychic battle as she challenges her creator for her right to free her people.
African and African-American characters and inspirations
race, class, poly, Black, African 1977 Adult

Clay's Ark
by Octavia Butler

Series: Patternmaster
Book 3 of 4
In a violent near-future, Asa Elias Doyle and her companions encounter an alien life form so heinous and destructive, they exile themselves in the desert so as not to contaminate other humans. To resist the compulsion to infect others is mental agony, but to succumb is to relinquish humanity and free will. Desperate, they kidnap a doctor and his two daughters as they cross the wasteland--and endanger the world.
African and African-American characters and inspirations
race, class, poly, Black, African 1984 Adult

by Octavia Butler

Series: Patternmaster
Book 4 of 4
The Patternist is a telepathic race, commanded by the Patternmaster, whose thoughts can destroy, heal, rule. Coransee, son of the ruling Patternmaster, wants the throne and will stop at nothing to get it, including venture into the wild mutant-infested hills to destroy a young apprentice--his equal and his brother. Previously out of print.
African and African-American characters and inspirations
race, class, poly, Black, African 1976 Adult

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